
Obtaining More Accurate Signals: Spatiotemporal Imaging of Cancer Sites Enabled by a Photoactivatable Aptamer-Based Strategy

日期:2016-04-02 阅读:[]

Xiao, H., Chen Y. Q., Yuan, E. F., (前三位为共同第一作者) Li W., Jiang, Z. R., Wei, L., Su, H. M., Zeng, W. W., Gan., Y. J., Wang, Z. J., Yuan, B. F., Qin, S. S., Leng, X. H., Zhou, X., Liu, S. M.*, Zhou, X.*, Obtaining More Accurate Signals: Spatiotemporal Imaging of Cancer Sites Enabled by a Photoactivatable Aptamer-Based Strategy, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2016, 8, 23542-23548.