
N6-Hydroperoxymethyl adenosine: a new intermediate of chemical oxidation of N6-methyladenosine mediated by bicarbonate-activated hydrogen peroxide

日期:2015-04-04 阅读:[]

Wu, J. J., Xiao, H., Wang, T. L.,(前三位为共同第一作者) Hong, T. T., Fu, B. S., Bai, D. S.,  He,   Z.   Y.,   Peng,   S.,   Xing,   X.   W.,   Hu,   J.   L.,   Guo,   P.,   Zhou, X.*, N6-Hydroperoxymethyl adenosine:   a new intermediate of chemical oxidation of N6-methyladenosine mediated by bicarbonate-activated hydrogen peroxide. Chem. Sci., 2015, 6, 3013-3017.